You will have splendid suggestions for fund raising events. 在筹资活动方面,你会有很好的建议。
Speed up the development of the urban social security system, improve the methods and operating mechanism of fund raising, and promote the socialization of social security management and services; 加快城镇社会保障制度建设,改进筹资方式和运营机制,推进社会保障管理和服务的社会化;
Propose fund raising, managing and using plan; 拟订资金的筹集、管理和使用计划;
Other fund raising brought the total to more than$ 40000. 其他募捐使总捐款高达40000多美元。
Diverse Developing Mode Study on Private Colleges and Universities Education Fund Raising in China 我国民办高校教育经费筹集多元化发展模式研究
This is a typical case in fund raising. 这是一个典型的变相集资案例。
Every region and related ministries increased the investigation and penalty for irrational fines, fees, fund raising and illegal contribution. 各地区和有关部门加大了对乱罚款、乱收费、乱集资和各种摊派的查处力度。
Fund raising is an "art" with professional skills and creativity. 劝募是一门学问,包含专业的技术与创意的艺术。
You can also enquire on the approved charitable fund raising activities in Hong kong. 您亦可以查询已获批准的慈善筹款活动。
The process of fund raising and the use of funds will all be disclosed. 筹款和款项运用过程完全公开。
From the point of system establishing and operation procedures, the risks of the new system include such risks as system design, fund raising, fund investment, operation and payment. 从制度建立和运行程序上来看,新农保风险包括制度设计风险、筹资风险、基金投资风险、操作风险和给付风险。
He has previously been involved in charity events and fund raising. 他曾参加过多种慈善、募捐活动。
Study on the optimal Model for Fund Raising by Combining Loans and Bonds 贷款、债券组合筹资优化模型研究
Private equity, he says, allows more room for creativity because it is a very varied sector – fund raising for investment purposes or looking for opportunities in which to invest, for example. 他表示,私人股本业提供了更多的创造力空间,因为它是个内容非常丰富的行业&比如说为投资目标进行融资,或为资金寻找投资机会。
Fund raising constitutes a bottleneck in the development and management of many enterprises. 资金筹措是许多企业发展与创业经营的瓶颈。
It has leading positions in consumer banking, treasury and markets, asset management, securities brokerage, equality and debt fund raising. 它在消费贷款、财政和市场、资产管理、证券经纪领域中都处于领导地位。
The sub-contract should also study the fund raising system to be used by the Eco-fund. 转包合同应当考虑到生态基金将会使用的基金扩充机制。
Study on the reform for antecedent fund raising and its management of hydropower projects 改革水电前期工作经费筹措及管理办法的研究
How about the fund raising? 谈一下集资情况好吗?
The Necessity of New Campus Construction and Risk Prevention in Fund Raising: Kunming Metallurgy College as an Example 学校新校区建设的必要性与建设经费筹措及风险防范&以昆明冶金高等专科学校为例
Have you hear about our fund raising about it yet, ron. 你听说我们为年轻运动员集资的计划了吗?
Consultancy and advisory roles for internationalization, fund raising and IPO activities. 提供项目融资、企业国际化和海外上市等咨询顾问服务。
B: Finance, including the state allocation, fund raising, advertising revenue, sports lottery and sports industry. 其次是了解体育经费,包括国家拨款、社会集资、广告收入、体育彩票和体育产业。
Hong Kong will remain one of the most favorable fund raising markets for China enterprises. 香港将继续作为中国企业最为喜爱的集资市场之一。
Hong Kong's position as a fund raising centre for Mainland companies would also be enhanced. 香港作为内地公司募集资金的中心,地位也会提高。
Last year, the association organised a number of fund raising activities. 去年,体育会参与多项筹集善款活动。
However, many of them struggle with various issues such as team building or fund raising. 但是,这些社会创业者也非常不容易,很多人都在诸如团队建设和融资上一筹莫展。
Recommends: ( 1) Widen and stable source of fund raising to ensure the steady growth of fund income; 建议:(1)扩宽和稳定筹资来源,确保基金收入稳步增长;
Such companies can be established by means of sponsoring or fund raising. 公司可采取发起方式或者募集方式设立。
Analysis on Financial Policies of Chinese Higher Education in Fund Raising Multiplication Reform 我国高等教育筹资多元化改革中的财政政策分析